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July 22, 2024

City of Marquette Receives PISCES Award for Solids Handling Improvements

City of Marquette Receives PISCES Award for Solids Handling Improvements Header Image

The Marquette Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Solids Handling Improvements project received an honorable mention award through the George F. Ames Performance and Innovation in the SRF Creating Environmental Success (PISCES) program. Award winners demonstrate leadership in innovative financing, system partnerships, community engagement, public health protection, and creative solutions. Donohue partnered with the City of Marquette to lead the design of the improvements, which are currently under construction.

The City of Marquette faced several challenges: management of residual solids and compliance with dissolved effluent oxygen levels during high Lake Superior water levels. In response to these challenges, the City is constructing a new dewatering facility that will thicken and dewater residual solids. Anaerobic digestion will produce biogas to help power and heat the WWTP. The City’s goal is to process 100,000 gallons of wastewater monthly, which will result in an estimated 34% increase in biogas production and energy, offsetting the facility’s reliance on natural gas. The WWTP will also transition from primarily liquid to dewatered solids. Liquid biosolids disposal volume is estimated to be reduced by 700,000 gallons per year. The upgraded plant will also feature an energy-efficient fine bubble diffuser, which will increase dissolved oxygen concentrations in the plant’s effluent and help to protect the water quality and freshwater ecosystem of Lake Superior. These improvements demonstrate what is possible when innovation and sustainable engineering practices meet to benefit the community for years to come.

The project received $12.5 million in CWSRF funding from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), including $5.9 million in principal forgiveness. Donohue congratulates the City on this national recognition.


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